Here's a link if you want to take a look
http://www.ntsdevelopment.com/apartment/index.php?cid=1661 Our lease starts Nov 16
th but we had to give a 30 day notice at our current apt so that isn't over until Dec 5
th. Ryan & I were talking and we are just going to move things periodically. He works there almost every day so we could load up his car at night then when he gets off work he can drop it over at our new place. Hopefully it all works out =) But it is the biggest relief and it just feels like a weight is lifted off my shoulders. I spent all my time looking and now I don't have to.
Now the only thing I have to do is figure out what I am going to do for a job. I applied to
IUPUI and should hopefully be hearing something back in a month or so. The counselor I spoke with acted like there will be no problem for me to get in but I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch so I will wait.... patiently
hehe... yea right! But then I have to figure out how I am going to pay for school. I have been looking into scholarships b/c my grades @ Ivy Tech were great so I didn't know if I would qualify for some scholarships. Also I didn't know since Ryan & I are now married if there would be more help with school instead of taking out a ton of loans :(
I have to get a job but I am going back & forth on what type.
1. part time medical job or as needed (that way I am not working m-f 8-5)
2. part time restaurant job that way I have cash coming in but will have more night classes that way I don't have to take all night time classes.
Ryan & I have been adjusting to his new job he is home a lot more ... which I like but now I am having to plan more meals. Before when it was just me I would make a
pb&j or something easy but now every night we have dinner together! WHICH I LOVE!!
Ryan currently works 5:30-2:30
ish 5 days a week in Indy! I think he is having a hard time adjusting to waking up so early. He gets up at 3:40 to make it there on time! He has started to go to bed around 8:30 pm so this leaves time for me to go work out & have my own time!
So this is our life for the next month until we start our new journey in Indy!